Find Sellers Ready to Sell NOW
ReboGateway is a prospecting tool that allows real estate agents to identify sellers BEFORE they list their homes for sale using “life events” data.
These live events include:
Legal Filings - Find Divorce and Probate filings quickly and easily.
Mortgage - Access the mortgage information on individual properties and search entire neighborhoods for average number of refis, average loan amount, interest rate, and more.
Recently Sold - Quickly find comparable sales to your own potential listing.
Distressed Homeowners – Each morning we add each publicly recorded Notice of Default and Notice of Trustee Sale to our database.
For Sale By Owner - Potentially sell their property at a higher price using your expertise in Real Estate.
Tax Defaults - Homeowners that are in default on their property taxes, as well as their mortgage, are more likely to be in a situation where selling their home is the best option.
Investors/Tenants - Access and monitor entire complexes for lead activity to bolster future purchases.
C.A.R. members can subscribe to ReboGateway Pro, which includes:
Nationwide Access - not limited to any 1 county; search any county
Tract Utility - (Turnover Rate Tool) comes with PRO ReboGateway
10 Live Farms (Semi-Annual) or 20 Live Farms (Annual)
5,000 Records per month (Semi-Annual) or 10,000 Records per month (Annual)
Subscribe Now and start identifying new listing opportunities today.